The current 11th Parliament as at 03 May 2023 comprises of:

Constituency Representatives - 352

District Woman Representatives - 146

Uganda Peoples' Defence Forces' Representatives - 10

Youth Representatives - 5

Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) Representatives - 5

Workers' Representatives - 5

Older Persons' Representatives - 5

Ex Officio Members - 28


Parliament is presided over by the Speaker, and in her absence, the Deputy Speaker both of whom are elected by Members of Parliament from their number.

Parliament House is located on Plot 16-18, Parliament Avenue and Plot 13-15, Sir Apollo Kaggwa Road, in the administrative centre of the capital, Kampala.

  1. To examine and comment on policy matters affecting the ministries covered by them;
  2. To initiate or evaluate action programmes of those ministries and to make appropriate recommendations on them;
  3. To critically examine bills brought before the House before they are debated;
  4. To critically examine government recurrent and capital budget estimates and to make recommendations on them for the general debate in the House;
  5. To monitor the performance of ministries; and
  6. To ensure government compliance

A Session is the period beginning with the date when Parliament commences to sit, upon being summoned by the Speaker and ending when it’s prorogued and is usually one year.

A Sitting is the period during which Parliament sits continuously without adjourning and this also includes any period during which Parliament is in Committee.

A Meeting is any sitting or sittings of Parliament commencing when Parliament first meets after being summoned at any time and ending when Parliament is adjourned sine die or at the conclusion of a session.

This is a proposed law moved or introduced to the Parliament by backbench Members of Parliament or Committees.

A Private Member's Bill is not introduced by a minister or the Executive.

The Speaker is the political head of the institution of Parliament.

  • The Speaker receives dignitaries and high profile visitors to Parliament
  • Conducts inter parliamentary relations
  • Issues external high-level communication on behalf of Parliament
  • Links Parliament with the Executive
  • Oversees the functioning of the Parliamentary Service through the Clerk to Parliament
  • Chairs all the sittings of Parliament and ensures that the Rules of Procedure are observed
  • As head of the institution, the Speaker represents Parliament in its corporate relations

This is the official government publication in which all official government communication is published.

It can be accessed in public libraries and from the Uganda Printing & Publishing Corporation.

An Appropriation Act is a law containing the amount of money to be spent by each Government ministry, department and local government, and authorising the withdrawal of that money from the Consolidated Fund.

The Speaker will move from his/her seat to the Clerk’s Table when Parliament moves into a Committee of the Whole House or Committee of Supply.

This happens when these particular committees are considering and approving clauses of a Bill or an appropriation bill respectively.

Key Documents